Levasseur Studios

Creative Journey

Today, Jean-Claude stands proudly at the helm of his creative journey, skillfully crafting cinematic tales with a dedicated team of like-minded enthusiasts. Together, they strive for perfection in every project, constantly exploring new gear and techniques to keep their work fresh and innovative.

But rewind a bit, and you'll find a young Jean-Claude deeply fascinated by the magic of movie effects and eager to master Photoshop. His high school days were marked by a knack for teaching—his classmates and teachers quickly recognized his talent, setting the stage for his future success.

Fast forward to the present, and Jean-Claude's role as a director and DP allows him to produce stunning work for major national campaigns. Beyond his professional achievements, he finds joy in diverse interests: hitting the gym, scaling rock walls, and enjoying quality time with loved ones. He's also a passionate fan of the NY Islanders and delights in movies, the outdoors (both beaches and mountains) trying new things and exploring new places.

Looking back, college was a turning point. A photography lecture led by Nick Vedros ignited Jean-Claude's passion for capturing moments behind the lens. This pivotal moment steered him away from computer screens toward a future filled with creativity and visual storytelling.

Before his current success, there were invaluable experiences—internships in Kansas City, and studies at the esteemed Rochester Institute of Technology. His innovative spirit shone through in projects combining photography, video, and augmented reality, earning acclaim and paving the way for entrepreneurial ventures in the bustling streets of NYC.

Reflecting on his journey, Jean-Claude's story is one of growth, driven by a deep-seated passion for his craft and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Each chapter, from his early days tinkering with Photoshop to his present-day achievements in the world of cinema, reveals a commitment to pushing boundaries and inspiring others through his work.  

Let's Create Together

(631) 655-8301  /  info@levasseurstudios.com  /  18 Tehama Street #2 Brooklyn NY 11218

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